Company Profile

Meaning of Mastro
Older form of maestro, from Latin magister, “chief, teacher, leader”
Established in 1990 & 2022
The Mastro Group was founded by Axel Colen back in 1990 in an attic, principally based out of Mastro Soft and Mastro Design, two businesses which provided in small Software Development and Calligraphy Design. During the years the Mastro Group has added several businesses, like Mastro Pictures, Mastro Travel and Mastro Music.
The Mastro Company is founded in 2022 as a one-man business of Axel Colen (self-employed). Meanwhile, Axel Colen is a jack of all trades. Due to the extensive and broad working experience, Axel Colen has a lot to offer. And many assignments are not a one-specific trade or trick, but more is needed. Find out what Mastro Company can do for you!
I look forward to get in touch!
Axel Colen
~ Movement & Improvement ~
Start Now and Get Inspired!
The Mastro Company is active in various businesses, all to support you and your company to change, improve and grow.
To achieve this, change is an important factor. No improvement without movement!
Secondly, you need to Connect the Dots. Not all the dots you have found; just focus on the right dots.
Last but not least, you will Love to Learn while experiencing what you can achieve, exploring the full potential of your capabilities.
Therefore Mastro Company proudly bears the motto:
~ Movement & Improvement ~
I look forward to offering you the right amount of Movement & Improvement!
Axel Colen
M a s t r o . d e l . G u s t o
The Mastro Group is active in various businesses, all known for their ‘solutions anywhere’. Each business provides a certain level of emotional creativiness in it; we call it ‘gusto’. Therefore Mastro Group proudly bears the motto:
m a s t r o . d e l . g u s t o
I look forward to offering you the right amount of Gusto!
Axel Colen
Offer Solutions Anywhere
Solutions are there to Invent and Discover
- Drive
- Creativity
- Optimism